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How Can You Use Whey Protein Powder For Weight Gain?

How Can You Use Whey Protein Powder For Weight Gain?

Whey protein is hands down the most common supplement used by fitness enthusiasts to achieve their desired body. It certainly has many benefits and uses, one of which is weight gain. If you are naturally skinny or want to bulk up, then you might think of using protein supplements. But the real question is – does whey protein help with weight gain? We are here to answer all your queries and help you choose the best whey protein for weight gain.

Basics of Whey Protein

Whey protein is the liquid component that is strained off while curdling milk and is used all over the world as the most common supplement for protein requirements. It is a complete protein with all nine essential amino acids. This makes it a superfood for your muscles to recover and grow well. A whey protein powder essentially has five main components – beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, glycomacropeptide, immunoglobins, and bovine serum albumin. Whey protein powder is used by fitness enthusiasts for multiple needs, such as fulfilling their protein intake, building muscles, reducing muscle loss, and gaining weight. 

How Does Whey Protein Help with Weight Gain?

Before consuming whey protein for weight gain, it is vital to understand how whey protein helps in the process. Here is how consuming a whey protein supplement helps individuals reach their weight gain goals – 

1. Whey protein is the most used form of protein supplement to increase protein intake. When you consume enough protein, it helps your muscles to grow and leads to bulking up. Whey protein is shown to help with muscle performance and helps with bone density, which contributes to weight gain. 

2. It is easy and convenient to use, especially for people who are unable to fulfill their dietary needs through their regular diet. Regularly consuming whey protein powders helps people meet their nutritional targets.

3. A lot of whey protein powders formulated for weight gain contain large amounts of calories, which makes it easy to reach a calorie surplus. Thus, you are feeding your muscles with protein while increasing your calorie intake. 

4. Whey protein is used by many older people to gain weight by maintaining their muscle mass, and it helps older people prevent the risk of sarcopenia. This leads to better muscle composition even when you get older, which reduces the chances of muscle loss and, thus, leads to lesser chances of weight loss.